Thursday, October 23, 2014

One perfect day

Dream,  if you will.  If you had just one extra day in the week. Part of the weekend: no work,  no chores, no responsibilities; a day for yourself. What would you do with it?

I'm already daydreaming. I imagine I look quite silly as I sit here with a wistful smile on my face. A day in bed with a good book. With a brief foray out for brunch with friends. An evening as the sun goes down with a glass of wine as I lounge on the deck and listen to the birds. Sounds like heaven!

Lauren Finkel
Perhaps for you it's bike riding,  or getting out to a great party,  or working on a craft project,  or planting veggies or cooking up a storm,  or coming up with dastardly schemes to take over the world.

Whatever it is,  we don't have to wait for this imaginary perfect day. But it is a good indicator as to what areas of our life we need to nourish. Find time to fit some in. Not a whole day's worth: just 15 minutes. Can you get up 15 minutes earlier? 15 minutes out of a lunch break? 15 minutes in the evening between the chores and the couch?

Those 15 minutes will be amongst the best in your day. They will revitalise you and give you something to look forward to when you're in the doldrums.

One perfect day is a fiction.  But many perfect moments will be yours!

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