Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Welcome to Simply Stillness

I don't want to be perfect: that's too much like hard work.

But life sometimes settles in with scratchy fingers beneath my skin and before you know it I'm a little bit crazy, a little bit rushed, my head's got Godzilla in there pounding away at my skull and everything is messy and I've forgotten how to breathe. Stress! Pressure!

So no, I don't want to be perfect. I don't have time to be perfect. I just want to go about my day with a certain calmness of spirit. To be busy without being rushed. To taste my food rather than grabbing the nearest easiest source of fuel for my body. To smile and mean it. To breathe all the way down to my feet, instead of tiny little hiccups of breath.

I want to simply be still.

How about you?


Vee said...

I definitely want to be still! Why is it so hard? :)

Simply Stillness said...

It's hard because we set all these goals for ourselves and then we feel guilty for not chasing them fast enough.

We are our own worst enemies!

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