Thursday, August 14, 2014

Why do we seek stillness?

Is it all just mumbo jumbo? Some sort of mystical handwaving malarky which sounds fabulous if you're sitting on the top of a mountain under a single tree on a full moon after bathing in milk and eating nothing but berries, but is utterly unattainable in the real world?


Is it difficult to achieve? Sometimes, absolutely! There's a reason there's an epidemic of stress in the western world and people experiencing unprecedented amounts of anxiety and depression: we've lost touch with the ability to find our calmness. To be grounded.

So, what's all the fuss about? If we've all lost touch, is that just because it's not needed?

Heck no! I think it's more necessary than ever. We are easily distracted, us humans. We are conditioned to reach for new goals, to accept the new challenge, to strive and achieve and surpass our current best. We are shown new toys, an ideal body, a better house, a faster car, happier children, a brighter future and told that if only we pushed ourselves just a little bit more, we would be happy. Which, of course, is poppycock!

No, we need to acknowledge that while we can derive pleasure from our accomplishments, that contentment comes from within. From that still, silent calm in our heart. From not doing/striving/achieving, but just being.

Finding that simple stillness brings about such equanimity as to make angels swoon.

If you haven't made an angel swoon today, you need to find your stillness!

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