
About this blog

Ever had that feeling of utter peace with the world?

You feel calm and balanced, both physically and mentally. Even if there's chaos all around, you are centered, heart calm, mind quiet. Nothing can disturb your serenity.

It's an incredible state of mind, but often all too fleeting. This blog is about the search for that stillness. Where it comes from, how it makes you feel, where it goes... and how to get it back!

Here's a great starting point!

About the author

Hi, I'm Nicola! I love the idea that we can get through life's chaos with a little more sanity intact, if we can get ourselves in the right mental place.

I'm a mother, a foodie, a geek, an Aussie.

I've been brought to this quest for stillness after a bout of post-natal depression brought me into contact with the western practices of acceptance therapy, and the eastern processes of mindfulness.

Life is hard enough, can we not make the journey easier on ourselves?

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