Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Too many thoughts: the cure

Holidays are almost upon us. We are supposed to be feeling joyous and full of cheer. Looking forward to a relaxing break, catching up with loved ones, indulging in special foods and anticipating quirky and fun traditions.

I don't know about you, but I feel bruised. I feel all worn out, nerves all spiky. The news is filled with tales of our mankind's collective inhumanity. And while it is just a tortured few who are enacting such terrible deeds, it leaves us feeling anxious and fearful. Anxious that more crazies might follow suit. Fearful that innocent people are now also being targeted for wearing the 'wrong' kind of hat or the 'wrong' colour skin.

Then, too, there are the personal stories all around. Cancer crops up multiple times. Mental health problems. Physical health problems. Young children in intensive care. Alcoholism. Everyone around me feels just one speed bump away from being in crisis.

My heart is bruised. For the people I don't know and those I do. I feel so helpless. Flailing between apathy (because life is full of completely awful things happening all the time) and impotent anger (how have we still not learned how to be nice to one another?).

So helpless. Filled with hopeless helpless useless thoughts.

But... that's exactly the answer, isn't it!

Those thoughts are not useful. Why dwell on things I have no control over? Get on out there and act! React! Spread peace and joy. Smile at my neighbours. Smile at the folks at the shops. Give to a charity. Go for a walk and smell the literal actual physical flowers. Buy a packet of seeds, plant them, then give the seedlings away. Be present to what's right in front of me. Smile and hug my exhausted tearful children because they're not actually out to get me. Walk barefoot in the grass. Dance in my PJs.

Less thoughts. More mindfulness.
Less stress, woe and misery. More joy, laughter and merriment.
Less bruises. More smiles.

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