Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Spreading stillness

Have you ever thought about whether stillness is contagious? If you're feeling calm, can you spread that sensation to those around you, like ripples in a pond?

Minette Layne
Today I supervised an exam. An important exam to those taking it: it forms part of their entrance mark to tertiary education.  It is part of the rite of passage marking the end of childhood and the start of legal adulthood. It was an English exam, which is pretty much mandatory, no matter your level of interest or aptitude.

When those kids came in they reeked of nervousness and anxiety. Their excitement had been left at the door. Some looked determined,  focussed. Some looked as fearful as if they were facing the gallows. Many looked fragile with exhaustion.

There was I, wandering around the hall with the other supervisors. I could taste the fear, my shoulders started tensing with shared anxiety. But I took some deep breaths, felt my connection to the earth through my feet and found my stillness. I let the inner calm reach my face, trying to emanate peace and reassurance (instead of some sort of stern embittered rap-across-the-knuckles inquisitor).

I don't know if it worked. I do know that after three hours of silent perambulating around that room,  I was delightfully awash in stillness. I was also so proud of the young folk in front of me who had faced their fears on the page.

Have you ever tried sending out an emotional message of calm to those around you? How did you go about it? Did you ever find out if it worked? 

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