Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Perfection for the impatient: get it NOW!

I'm here to give you instant gratification.

I know, right! We are an instant society, able to purchase things globally and access the vast repository of all human knowledge. Y'know, for the really important stuff like: Does a duck's quack really have no echo? What does "pop goes the weasel" even mean? Why do we write "Xmas" instead of "Christmas"? Could we power the earth using a bunch of Yodas? How many humans per day does a T-Rex need to eat?

(We are, as a side-effect, also a society of instant procrastinators. Now, where was I?)

Bruce Berrien
I'm going to make you perfect. Right now. No waiting.

Think back five years ago. And ten. And fifteen. And twenty. Become your younger self. Recall what you used to imagine life would be like in the future. Recall what you imagined YOU would be like in the future. Chances are, your memories are a little hazy. So to help, think back to important milestones; change points. The end of schooling. Approaching or ending a major holiday. Meeting an important person in your life. The purchase of a car, a house, a pet. Taking up a particularly key role in a job. A major illness for you or someone in your family.

These change points often cause us to reflect and plan. They make us look at our current lives, possibly with dissatisfaction, and help us consider what changes we want to make for the future. Can you remember what you thought back then?

And now, here you are. You've made it through all those past points of anxiety. For each ambition you had in the past, you've either achieved it (hooray!) or decided not to pursue it because something else more important took its place (still hooray!). See? You're feeling more perfect already, I bet.

Imagine your past self meeting you as you are today. What would they think of you? They might not recognise you at first: life has a way of changing your priorities over time. But if you had to explain your decisions, I'm sure your past self would be proud of who you have become. Not just because you have overcome difficult things, but because you have thrived through them.

Compared to your past self, you're perfect!

However, just think... You're not a finished being yet. You aren't frozen in time. Look ahead. Know that there is a future self, who is even more wonderful than you are now. Go forth and be excited about what is yet to come.

You are perfect. You were the most perfect you in the past, you are the best you of all right now, and you will continue to be perfect in the future.

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