Friday, October 17, 2014

The zen of the tao of the om of the now

Despite the title, this is not a spiritual mystical mumbo-jumbo diatribe on getting in touch with your inner monk. It will not demand you subsist on grapefruit, wear only hemp and meditate 10 hours a day. Ridonkulous!

What it will do is give you a tool to find acceptance. There's so much we struggle and worry about. Analyse. Overanalyse. Ruminate. Contemplate. Plan. Fret. Extemporize. Prevaricate. Agonize.

But for all that, our wandering wonderings do us poor service. We are imagining a future that we cannot possibly know, and that for most part, we cannot possibly change.

I tell you there's no need for such self torture! Indulge me for a moment while I anecdote...

Nearly 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was young, there was no family history: I was just unlucky. You bet I spent a few years being intermittently terrified of my own mortality. Slowly I came out of it as the threat of immediate death faded in time.

I watched others who had also been through similar experiences. We tended to have two different outlooks: those of us who had achieved a new sense of peace and purpose in our life; and those who were stuck in self-destructive behaviours, blaming themself for everything that was going wrong, had ever gone wrong, would ever go wrong in their lives.

The key difference? Some of us had accepted what had happened and its consequences, while the others were wrapping themselves with barbed wire of misery, wishing their life away.

Original source unknown
Acceptance. The acceptance of things we cannot change. Acceptance of things we have no control of. Pessimists tend to turn this into an aching fatalism, expecting the worst. I prefer to think of it as a sweet and gentle surrender: Taoists call it 'following the Way'. Letting go of our entanglement with possible outcomes and put our energy into living well right now.

It's not just about big things like Life and Death. Everything! Promotions, plants growing, trains running on time, other people's attitudes towards us.

Surrender. Accept. Peace.

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